"Why devote an entire guide to VPD?" you might ask. The answer is that the vapor pressure deficit (VPD) is extremely important for growing plants.
VPD helps you identify the correct range of temperature and humidity to aim for in your grow space. With VPD you can achieve the best results while avoiding pest and environmental problems. VPD also controls plant transpiration rates, stomata opening, CO2 uptake, nutrient uptake, and plant stress.
If you master VPD, you master your environment and become a better grower.
What is VPD?
Vapor Pressure, Temperature, and Humidity

Infographic: How VPD Affects Plants
VPD stands for Vapor Pressure Deficit, but what does it actually mean?
In short, VPD is a measure of how much more “room” there is for humidity (water vapor) in the air, at the current temperature.
Air is made up of many gases. Air is about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and much smaller parts of other gases. Water vapor, the gaseous form of water, is one of those other gases. The amount of water vapor in the air (expressed as pressure) is called “vapor pressure”.
Air can only hold a certain amount of water vapor at a given temperature before it starts condensing back to liquid water (in forms such as dew or rain). The maximum amount of water vapor that air can hold at a certain temperature is called “saturation vapor pressure” or SVP.
As the air gets hotter, the amount of water that the air can hold (its SVP) increases. As air cools down, the SVP decreases, meaning that the air can’t hold as much water vapor. That is why there is dew all over everything after a cool morning. The air just gets too full of water, and the water condenses out.
Similarly, the current actual amount of water vapor in the air is called the “actual vapor pressure” or AVP.
Some key points:
AVP / SVP x 100 = RH%
That’s right, RH is just the proportion of water the air is currently holding vs. its maximum capacity. That’s why it’s called “Relative” humidity.
The maximum the AVP can be is the current SVP.
That means RH = 100%.
If AVP reaches SVP, any additional moisture will precipitate out of the air as liquid water (dew, etc).
VPD: how much more room there is in the air for more water vapor. It’s as simple as that. Now you get why it’s called the Vapor Pressure Deficit.
Get real time and historical VPD data with Pulse sensors.
How Do You Calculate VPD?
To calculate Air VPD you just need two things: temperature & humidity, but there are a couple of steps.
How to calculate air VPD:
Figure out the SVP
SVP = 610.78 x e^(T / (T +237.3) x 17.2694)
T is in degrees Celsius
The result, SVP, is in pascals (divide by 1000 to get kPa)
e is a mathematical constant called Euler's Number, approximately equal to 2.71828.
Calculate the VPD
SVP x (1 – RH/100) = VPD
However, since the inside of a plant is water, the plants feel a different VPD than just the normal Air VPD. If you want to figure out what’s going on with the plant, you need to consider the cooling effect of evaporating water as it exits the leaves’ stomata. To calculate this, you need to know the difference between the air temperature at canopy level, and the temperature of the leaves. An IR thermometer is useful for this.
How to calculate leaf VPD:
Figure out the air SVP (ASVP)
Same formula as getting the SVP for air VPD
Figure out the leaf SVP (LSVP)
It is the same formula as ASVP, but you use the leaf temperature in your calculation (typically 1-3 °C or 2-5 °F cooler)
Leaf VPD = LSVP – (ASVP x RH/100)
VPD Chart Maker 📊
Below is a VPD chart in degrees Fahrenheit, for flower stage, with a 0° offset for leaf temperature.
If you want to get the chart maker to make your own custom chart (you can modify the stage, the units, and the leaf temperature adjustment) click here.
VPD Calculator 📱
VPD Chart Maker and Calculator

Why is VPD Important?
You probably already know that VPD is an important thing to keep track of in your grow’s environment, that’s why you’re looking it up. But why is VPD important?
Impact of ideal VPD on Tomato Plant Dry Weight [2]
Having your grow at the correct VPD is one of the most important things you can do for improving yields. VPD influences five key things that are all somewhat related.
Stomata Opening
As VPD increases, stomata get smaller.
CO2 uptake
As VPD increases and stomata get smaller, CO2 uptake gets reduced.
As VPD increases, the plant transpires (evaporates from leaves) faster due to the larger difference in vapor pressures between the leaf and the air.
Nutrient intake at the roots
As VPD increases, and transpiration increases, the roots pull in more nutrients. The plant is like one connected system of plumbing!
Plant stress
As VPD increases, there are more forces acting on the plant – from the leaves to the roots – and the plant experiences more stress.
As you can see there’s a complicated tradeoff between VPD and a variety of factors. You can increase how much CO2 the plant absorbs, but reduce the amount of nutrition. You can increase the amount of nutrition, but also stress the plant more. VPD is a very powerful tool in the grower’s toolbox. To get the best results you need to find the correct VPD sweet spot for the plant’s stage of growth.
VPD Chart Maker and Calculator
VPD and Indoor Growing
Indoor growing comes with huge advantages. You get to have control over the environment that your plants grow in. Environment is one of the essential “knobs” you can twist in order to get better results in your grow, and VPD is the key part of that formula.
How you can influence and change VPD:
Increase temperature (run a heater or reduce AC): increase VPD
Decrease temperature (increase AC): decrease VPD
Increase humidity (run a humidifier): decrease VPD
Decrease humidity (run a dehumidifier): increase VPD
Light Intensity
Increase light intensity (move lights closer, etc): increase leaf temps: increase VPD
Decrease light intensity (move lights farther, etc): decrease leaf temps: decrease VPD
Ideal VPD for Different Stages of Growth
So now you know what VPD is, how it impacts plants, and how you can change VPD. All that’s left is to figure out how to use this information in your own grow. Ideal VPD, as a general rule for plant growth, is around 0.8 – 1.2 kPa (kilopascals). However, your plants have different needs during different stages of growth. You need to tailor your grow environment to the stage of growth that your plants are in. Below are some general recommendations, but keep in mind that these recommendations can vary from strain to strain, and setup to setup. As always, observe your plants and tweak things accordingly.
Infographic: Ideal VPD for Clone, Veg, and Flower
Ideal VPD for Seedlings and Clones
Clones and seedlings are baby plants, they can’t handle a lot of stress because they are still just trying to form roots. Target a higher humidity and VPD closer to the lower end of the general range.
The ideal VPD for seedlings and clones is closer to 0.8 kPa.
Ideal VPD for Vegetative Stage
In veg (vegetative) stage the plants are bigger and more robust. You can reduce the humidity in your environment to increase VPD. This will increase water and nutrient uptake, but you don’t want to increase VPD too much. This will cause the stomata of the plants to close, causing them to absorb less CO2. CO2 is particularly important in the vegetative stage, because that’s the main ingredient that plants use to grow large.
The ideal VPD for the vegetative stage is close to the middle of the general range, around 1.0 kPa.
Ideal VPD for Flower Stage
In flower stage the plants are robust, but the flowers are sensitive to various issues. You need to avoid excess humidity.
The ideal VPD for the flower stage is closer to the top end of the range, 1.2kPa – 1.5kPa.
VPD at Night
If you didn’t already know, VPD is a measurement related to humidity and temperature. It is an absolute measure of how much more moisture the air can hold at the current temperature. VPD is very important for plants because it controls stomatal opening, transpiration rate, CO2 uptake, nutrient uptake, and plant stress. It also directly impacts yields[1][2]. Ideal VPD can boost yields by 20% or more.

VPD Measured At Night. Click for an Interactive Chart
What Plants Do At Night
At night, most plants close their stomata and stop photosynthesis since there is no light available. This closure prevents water from escaping through the open pores, and significantly reduces transpiration. See below a comparison of day and night transpiration as measured in C. Sativa hemp plants:

Transpiration is about 10x lower at night than it is during the day. [1]
Instead of photosynthesis, at night, plants mostly perform respiration. Like in humans, respiration in plants converts stored sugars (made by photosynthesis) to energy. As you may already know, that means plants actually produce CO2 during the night!
How to Make the Most of the Night Period
You may be wondering what you should do as a cultivator during the night period, if the plants aren’t photosynthesizing. There are a few key things you can use the night period to achieve.
Disease Prevention: use nighttime to keep RH on the lower end to prevent mold such as bud rot and powdery mildew.
Keep Nighttime VPD Close to Daytime VPD: plants still need to release CO2 created by respiration through the stomata, so keep VPD relatively close to the daytime ranges.
Minimize VPD Swings:
Vpd swings from day to night. Click for an Interactive Chart.
According to research[3] done in 2021 Frequent VPD swings greater than 0.4kPa can drop yields by as much as 20%:
Yield Impact from VPD Swings [3]
Ideal Night Period VPD

VPD Dialed In on the Pulse App
Overall you want to keep nighttime VPD close to daytime VPD, but you can be a bit more lenient since VPD matters less at night. Ideal VPD, as a general rule for plant growth, is around 0.8 – 1.2 kPa (kilopascals).
However, your plants have different needs during different stages of growth. You need to tailor your grow environment to the stage of growth that your plants are in. Below are some general recommendations, but keep in mind that these recommendations can vary strain from to strain, and setup to setup. As always, observe your plants and tweak things accordingly.
Nighttime VPD for Seedlings and Clones
- Clones are baby plants, and they can’t handle a lot of stress because they are still just trying to form roots. Target a higher humidity and VPD closer to the lower end of the general range.
- The ideal nighttime VPD range for seedlings and clones is 0.6kPa to 1.0kPa (ideally 0.8kPa)
Nighttime VPD in Veg
- In veg (vegetative) stage the plants are bigger and more robust. You can reduce the humidity in your environment to increase VPD. This will increase water and nutrient uptake, but you don’t want to increase VPD too much. This will cause the stomata of the plants to close, causing them to absorb less CO2. CO2 is particularly important in the vegetative stage, because that’s the main ingredient that plants use to grow large.
- The ideal VPD for the vegetative stage is close to the middle of the general range 0.8kPa to 1.2kPa (ideally 1.0kPa)
Nighttime VPD in Flower
- In the flower stage the plants are robust, but the flowers are sensitive to various issues. You need to avoid excess humidity.
- The ideal nighttime VPD range for the flower stage is closer to the top end of the range: 1.0kPa to 1.5kPa (ideally 1.2kPa)
Summary and Key Points

Night VPD Infographic
- VPD is mostly about transpiration
- Plants transpire significantly less at night
- Use night period for preventing disease by keeping humidity and temps lower
- Try to minimize VPD fluctuations (less than 0.4kPa)
- VPD still matters for respiration at night
- Daytime VPD is about 10x more important than nighttime VPD
- Optimal VPD can increase yields as much as CO2 enrichment
To sum it up:
Although VPD at night isn't nearly as important as your day VPD, it's still an important factor to consider for vigorous plant growth and increased yields.
Monitoring VPD At Night

Monitor VPD With Pulse
Since VPD is so important and has such an impact on your yield[1], you may be wondering how to monitor and track VPD when you’re not in your grow. My partner Chris, a long-time grower, and I teamed up to build the Pulse One and Pulse Pro sensors along with the Pulse App to track VPD and other key things about your grow.
Pulse helps you boost your yields, optimize your environment, and the instant alerts finally give you peace of mind when you’re away from the garden.
Further Reading on VPD
- Tang, K., Fracasso, A., Struik, P. C., Yin, X., & Amaducci, S. (2018). Water- and Nitrogen-Use Efficiencies of Hemp (C. sativa L.) Based on Whole-Canopy Measurements and Modeling. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00951
- Jiao, XC., Song, XM., Zhang, DL. et al. Coordination between vapor pressure deficit and CO2 on the regulation of photosynthesis and productivity in greenhouse tomato production. Sci Rep 9, 8700 (2019). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-45232-w
- Inoue T, Sunaga M, Ito M, Yuchen Q, Matsushima Y, Sakoda K and Yamori W (2021) Minimizing VPD Fluctuations Maintains Higher Stomatal Conductance and Photosynthesis, Resulting in Improvement of Plant Growth in Lettuce. Front. Plant Sci. 12:646144. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.646144